Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ - part 2

I wrote a blog post on 10/3/2010 entitled The Unsearchable Riches of Christ. This is not so much a follow up or a continuation as it is a different angle, a different facet on the whole concept of the unsearchable riches of Christ. After all, if the riches on Christ are really "unsearchable" then there should be raw material for many blog posts.

What caught my mind today is the reality that these unsearchable riches are not just the content of Paul's (and our) message, but they are what drives him (and us) to preach and teach and lead and serve in a way that brings these riches to the forefront. It is so easy in our ministries to lose sight of this fundamental truth. Christ's love must compel us, not our commitments or our desire to use our gifts or our fear (or love) of men.

So today, as we go to work or school, as we interact with people both Christian and non, as we do things both explicitly and implicitly spiritual, let us consider what is driving us to do these things. If the grace and mercy and love of Christ is not somewhere in the calculus, maybe we should pause and ask God to change that fact. Maybe we should ask the Holy Spirit to renew our minds and our hearts that we may not only proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ but that we may be driven and motivated by them as well.

To God Alone be the Glory

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