Monday, April 5, 2010

Your life is a mist. - James 4:14

The last section of James 4 has always been challenging to me.  I am still young (and foolish) enough to picture my life as going on indefinitely.  God, through James, says this attitude is arrogant and that I (we) should remember that our lives are like a mist, which can quickly be gone.

I was reminded yesterday, on Easter of all days, just how real the "mistiness" of life is.  I found out that a person who has attended the Sunday School class that I co-teach for the first time two weeks ago, died unexpectedly the next Wednesday.  Did he know Christ?  I'm not sure.  Did he hear the gospel in our class?  I want to hope so, but when I teach I can get focused on the text and topic at hand.  Did God use that time to plant the seed of His Word or water the seed someone else planted?  I don't know.  Did this gentleman get assurance, encouragement or conviction?  Its not clear.  Did I squander an hour of that man's life of which he had so precious few remaining?  I pray not.

So, how do I keep from wasting this wake up call from God?  By God's strength, I will never assume someone knows the gospel just because they're in a church.  By God's wisdom, I will never disconnect a lesson (or a blog post) from the foundational reality that Jesus died so that we might live and that we must embrace this reality by faith. By God's mercy, I will endeavor to be quick to listen and slow to speak in order that I may not waste anyone's final hours.  And by God's grace, I will be an ambassador of Jesus Christ to anyone God brings in my life.

Will you join me?

1 comment:

  1. Are you comfortable sharing who was in Sunday School that has passed away? I can think of one gentleman whom I have not seen for a long time, but am unaware of any deaths.

    Thank you for the posting. While my life is like a mist on Earth, but I will live forever in perfection in Heaven.
