Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Temptation - Part 2

"In every promise there are three things to be considered: the faithfulness of the Father, who gives the promise; the grace of the Son , who is the content of the promise; and the power and efficacy of the Holy Spirit, who puts the promise into execution.

The faithfulness of God accomplishes the promise (1 Cor 10:13). Though we are tempted, it shall not grow too strong for us.  That which comes upon us we shall be able to bear, and that which would be too hard for us, we shall escape. What security do we have for this? The faithfulness of God (Heb 10:23). His faithfulness consists in the discharge of his promises, 'He remains faithful for he cannot deny himself' (2 Tim 2:13). So, being under a promise, we have the faithfulness of God engaged for our preservation.

There is also in every promise of the covenant, the grace of the Son. He is the subject of all promises. He said, 'I will keep you.' How? 'By my grace with you.' The soul that has a part in this promise shall enjoy assistance from the grace of Christ in the hour of temptation.  Paul's temptation grew very powerful, but he 'pleaded with the Lord' for help (2 Cor 12:18).  The answer he received from the Lord was 'My grace is sufficient for you' (verse 9).

The efficacy of the Spirit also accompanies God's promises.  The Spirit is called 'the Holy Spirit of promise' -- not only because he was promised by Christ, but also because he effectually makes good the promises of God, and givens them accomplishment in our souls. The Spirit also, then, is engaged to preserve the soul's walking according to the rules laid down (see Is 59:21).

Thus, whenever we find a promise of God, we have this assistance: the faithfulness of the Father, the grace of the Son, and the power of the Spirit.  All three are engaged for our preservation." -- John Owen

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