Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is God Sovereign Over My Anxiety? - Mt 6:25-34

I know this is a classic text and that for most of us, the lesson has always been: "Trust God. You are more valuable than birds and flowers.  God will care for you.  Just seek His kingdom and his righteousness."  I would not dispute that reading of Mt 6:25-34, since it is the most straightforward view of the text and is clearly true, especially if God is sovereign over all things.

My question comes from a different angle.  I am not anxious about my food nor my clothes nor anything else at that basic level.  Is it because my trust in God is that strong and secure?  Or has my trust shifted to the security of my job and the American infrastructure (government, economy, society) that necessitates my job's existence? I have no anxiety regarding the basics because I assume (or presume) that they are already covered by something I have achieved.

However, a closer reading of the Sermon on the Mount, (Mt 5-7) reveals an interesting progression.  Chapter 5 sets the stage by showing that the marks of the kingdom of God are opposite of what we would expect.  Next, we are challenged to observe the heart of the law, not just the letter.  The final challenge of chapter 5 is for us to extend our love to our enemies.  This is followed by a call to give, pray and fast.  In context, I would say the implication is to give to our enemies (or at least people can never pay us back), pray for strength to do this as well as live up to the heart of the law and that in our fasting we seek to pursue the oppositeness of Christ's kingdom.  Immediately after this, Jesus says don't lay up treasures on earth, but rather store treasures in heaven (back to giving and not getting anything back).  This is followed by...  Don't be anxious about life or food or clothes.  Why would I be anxious about this stuff? Again, in context, its because I gave away my food and my clothes and perhaps my means to people who hate me or at least can never pay me back.  Interestingly Jesus moves on to another call to prayer and encourages us to ask and to seek and to knock.  For what?  I think its for more ability to give stuff away.  And now, as I ponder this even as I write, the Golden Rule, and measurement of the fruitful tree and whether Christ knew us all fit into this idea of giving ourselves and our stuff wholly to God.

My apologies for the heaviness.  I'm not sure I started with that intent.  I pray God will use this for His honor and your good.  SDG

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