Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Word of God is not Bound!

Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! (2 Tim 2:8-9)

Whether you are reading this before or after (or in lieu of) church today, consider the awesome reality that God's Word is not bound!

  • It is not bound by prison walls. That is the immediate context of 2 Tim. In this same vein, God's Word is not bound by any human institution. Let us remember that when fretting over U.S. elections or a foreign country's power struggles. The Word of God is not bound!
  • It is not bound by the length of our lives. This is also part of the setting of 2 Tim. Paul is at the end of his life. He has "finished the race". Yet he knows the One whom he serves and the message he proclaims will continue long after his part in the story is over. The Word of God is not bound!
  • It is not bound by our abilities. Nothing in the Bible indicates that God's success is dependent on the skills and talents of his messengers. In fact, God usually goes out of His way to pick messengers who are lacking in some way. And, if we're honest, we wouldn't have it any other way. This is God's message to God's people for God's glory. The Word of God is not bound!
  • It is not bound by opposition. This is not just human opposition, but spiritual opposition. God's message of grace and forgiveness is not the only message in the universe, but it is the only one that saves and satisfies all who trust in it. But the authors of the other messages cannot tolerate the purity and the simplicity and God-exalting nature of the gospel. But they are powerless to stop it. The Word of God is not bound!
  • It is not bound by time. This may be the most glorious reality of all that I've considered. The same message proclaimed to Adam, the same message proclaimed to Moses and Isaiah. The same message proclaimed to Nicodemus and the demon possessed man. The same message proclaimed to Jews and Gentiles, to rich and to poor, to men and to women, is the same message proclaimed to us. And one day soon, either by Christ's return or our own deaths, we will see God face to face. And, as we fall in true worship for the first time, we will finally, fully realize that the Word of God is not Bound!

To God Alone be the Glory!

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