Thursday, October 13, 2011

The substance is Christ

"These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ." Col 2:17

Why is it so difficult to embrace this life altering reality?

I have no doubt that most be who read this blog would believe the statement Paul makes in Colossians 2. But I don't think we really "get it". We really don't understand or apply what this means. Everything in this life, in some way, is just a pointer to a greater reality. That is to Christ and his kingdom.

Think of a blueprint. Is it real? Yes. Is it useful, helpful, even necessary? Yes, yes, yes! And yet it is simply a picture, a pointer, a "shadow" of the fuller reality, which is the finished building. And that's what this life, this world, our lives, our faith, our service, is all about. We are pictures and pointers to the deeper realities of Christ.

Shouldn't that affect our views on everything? Our marriages, our children, our parents, our jobs, our ministries, our devotions, our free time, our planning for the future (i.e. retirement).  If these things (and everything not listed as well) are not ends in themselves, but rather blueprints and road maps to get to the end, then we should be reframing our questions.  For example, we should not be asking "how do I make my marriage better?" but instead asking "how do my spouse & I make our marriage a clearer pointer to the ultimate reality of Christ?"

There is much here for reflection and prayer. And a lot of Holy Spirit work to be done, at least in me.

To God Alone be the Glory

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