Friday, October 7, 2011

Better by Far

"I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better." Phil 1:23

Back in May I posted a blog entry reflecting on Phil 1:21 (living-and-dying-for-christ). However, as I read Phil 1 this morning, v 23 resonated with me. Paul makes a simple, yet bold statement. "My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for it is far better." What Christian, if pressed, would not say the same thing? And yet our lives, well at least my life, don't seem reflect that attitude. What proportion of time, energy, resources, brain power, prayer focus do we put toward departing and being with Christ? Likewise what portion of these things go toward good, yet transient things? I stand before you indited. I am the chief of hypocrites.

Two words in this verse have captured me: desire and far better (I know that's 3). Desire speaks of something more than preference, more than familiarity, more than a contractual bond. The clearest example in my own experience is my desire for my wife. In this world, nothing is more compelling. Yet as we look toward our eternal home, there should be something even more compelling. The love of Christ, overwhelms and over shadows and love between and husband and wife, no matter how pure. And, his beauty, his grace, his compassion, his strength, his devotion far exceed our spouse's greatest attributes. Which of course means being with Christ is far better.

So, my challenge and my prayer, is that we can see the reality of Phil 1:23 and live differently in the light of that reality. Maybe we would dare to pray like this today: "Father, I really want to be home with you, to see you face to face and walk with you in the cool of the garden. But since you have chosen to leave me here one more day, please allow me serve you and your family for our collective progress and joy in the faith."

To God Alone be the Glory

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