Friday, January 6, 2012

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)

How easy is it to assume the truth of the gospel? It becomes like the foundation of a house or the footings of bridge. Maybe in the 21st century it can even be compared to the working of the Internet. The gospel is something that exists, largely unseen that supports everything that we do.  And yet, when was the last time you checked the foundations of your house when you woke up? When was the last time you praised God for the footings of the bridge you just drove over? When was the last time you rejoiced and were glad that the Internet allowed you to update your Facebook status or check your e-mail?

Can I be bold? We must never leave the foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ! As I push through Acts here in January it is very clear that what drove the early church from the apostles to the little known saint is the truth that Jesus died and rose again. And, that he did this in fulfillment of Scripture. And that he did it according the purpose and foreknowledge of God. And he did it redeem a people for himself from every tribe and language and people and nation. That means he did it for me and he did it for you.

Know this: Jesus died so that you might live and he rose that you may spend eternity with God. If you believe this, anchor it in your heart and soul. Never let go off it. Let everything you do from changing your oil and washing the dishes to serving in church or proclaiming the gospel to praying for Christ's return, be centered on this truth. Christ's death and resurrection must drive everything. As John Piper is fond of saying, "Only that which is done for Christ will last.

However, if you do not believe that Jesus died and rose again, or you do not see how that historical event applies to you, I want to ask you one simple question: what do plan to do after you die? You may not believe that there is a real hell, you may not believe there is even a God. But in a small way, our deaths are like April 15. Whether you like it or not, whether you know intricacies of the tax code or not, whether you believe in the government or not, your taxes must be paid. The Federal government takes this very seriously. And so it is with God. Here is my invitation to you. Test Jesus at his word. He invites us to come to him. He wants us to leave our burdens and our sins and pursue him. To replace lies with truth, to replace anger with love, to replace selfishness with concern and most of all to replace death with life. And the best thing. He does all the heavy lifting. Trust in Jesus. Believe that he died for you and give your life to the one who owns it anyway.

I now send forth this post with a deep sense of its many defects; but with an earnest prayer that it may do some good. (JC Ryle)

To God Alone be the Glory

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