Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Two thoughts - One theme

First, if I don't write again before the big day, Merry Christmas!

Second, thanks to God and Mike Bullmore of Crossway Community Church in Bristol WI. In his sermon dated 12/12 he compares the rich young ruler to the three wise men. The main focus is on the rich young ruler and his sense of need yet his tenacious clutching of his real god. In the conclusion though, the sermon moves to three rich men who gave much of their selves to honor and worship the new born Messiah. The full sermon is here: matthew-series

Third, thanks to God and Jon Bloom at Desiring God. His blog today (12/21) touched on a similar theme as the sermon and one that keeps pressing on my own heart: Modern day idolatry.  Here's an excerpt:

In fighting idolatry we must remember that we are not so reasonable as we might wish. This battle is often not waged on the field of truth, but rather on the field of cravings and fears. The desires of the flesh and the eyes (1 John 2:16) are battles of appetite not reason. And what of your last battle with doubt? Was it really based on a rational, fair comparison of truth claims? Or was it triggered by the fear-laden discouragement of circumstance, cultural consensus, or someone else’s confident contrary assertion?

Full blog entry is here: we-are-not-so-reasonable

So, the theme is idolatry; our personal, 21st century idolatry. Think about the rich young ruler the next time you say "No" to God or choose to sin despite what God's Word says.

But thanks to God! He has given us His Son to not only pay the penalty for our idolatry, Jesus can (and will) deliver us from it as well.

To God Alone Be the Glory!

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