Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Mystery of the Incarnation

I have been meditating and being humbled by the reality and magnitude of Christ's incarnation.  Part of this has to do with my study of Hebrew's which insists our great high priest must suffer, but God can suffer, can He?  This is just one thread of the gigantic tapestry of the incarnation.  So, this morning I was probing for something  that blended the what of the incarnation with the wow of the incarnation.  What follows is an excerpt from a very good defense / explanation of the what and the why of the incarnation by Sam Storms. The Incarnation and the Humanity of Christ SDG

The Mystery of the Incarnation and Humanity of Jesus

The Word became flesh
God became human
The invisible became visible
The untouchable became touchable
Eternal life experienced temporal death
The transcendent one descended and drew near
The unlimited became limited
The infinite became finite
The immutable became mutable
The unbreakable became fragile
Spirit became matter
Eternity entered time
The independent became dependent
The almighty became weak
The loved became the hated
The exalted was humbled
Glory was subjected to shame
Fame turned into obscurity
From inexpressible joy to tears of unimaginable grief
From a throne to a cross
From ruler to being ruled
From power to weakness.

-- Sam Storms

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