Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Heart of Ministry

This is an excerpt from my personal correspondence.  SDG

So, what is the heart of ministry?  First and foremost, it must be service to Christ that brings Him glory and proclaims the greatness, power and availability of the grace of God.  We are encouraged by the fact that the gospel is the power of God for salvation.  Not our perfectly crafted words nor our wonderfully furnished buildings, but the simple articulation of the gospel: Christ died so that we might live.  We are also challenged by the fact that God’s economy is different than ours.  Our wisdom is not the same as His. Our strength is not the same as His. Our goals are not the same as His. Unless, of course, we have the mind of Christ.  But then, it is not God’s wisdom or strength or goals that change; it is ours.  And this is a difficult and daily task because everything in us and around us is trying to pull us back the other way.  In fact we are exhorted to pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.  While this all may seem daunting, it is actually the opposite.  Jesus promised to build His church.  Jesus prayed for those who remained after His death that they might be sanctified and that people would believe in Him through our service to Him. And Jesus has assured us that He will be with us to the very end of the age.

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