Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesdays from Phil 1 - God Uses Means (even Satan) to Accomplish His Purposes

"I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear." Phil 1:12-14

These verses from Philippians 1 are the stunning flip-side to Rom 8:28. Or maybe, just maybe, they are an expansion of Paul's thoughts from Romans. Ask yourself, if God really does use "all things" to accomplish good for those who love Him, isn't possible, maybe even probable that some of the "all things" God uses are not good in and of themselves? And, even if Satan is the author, doesn't it stand to reason that not only is it possible for God to use these things for His purposes, but that He will use these things for His purposes.

I would like to take a moment and consider a couple of other implications from these verses (and by extension, Rom 8:28 as well). My two thoughts are interrelated, but I'd like to hit them one at a time. The first thought is this, "What is the good that God is working out for those who love Him?" I can't see it being health or wealth. not based on the lives of the first Christians or the large majority of 21st century Christians around the word. I don't see it being Paul-like or Peter-like, apostle-like lives lived on the front lines of the Spiritual battlefield.  It may be that for some, but I'm convinced that's not the norm.

So, what is the good that all things are working toward? Here are a few considerations to ponder.

  • God will never leave us where we are at spiritually. (Eph 4, Phil 2, Heb 2) Our spiritual lives are journeys and He expects to be growing and maturing. He will work all things (even Satan-wrought things) together so that we may grow and mature in Christ. See Job 1-2, Heb 12
  • Christ is building his Church. Part of building that Church is making her pure and holy (Eph 5) If we are loved by Christ, He will work all things (even evil, painful things) together for the purifying, sanctifiying good of those whom he loves and wishes to present holy and blameless before his Father's throne.
  • Christianity and the Church are an ecosystem (kudos to Tim Keller for this great imagery). 2 Cor 1 may be the single best glimpse of this idea, but in reality its everywhere. The simple idea is that Christianity is not just me and Jesus plus you and Jesus plus the other guy and Jesus plus so and so and Jesus. It is not a collection of individual posts in the ground, each pointing to God, but with no connection to each other. Instead, it is like a jungle (or forest, or ocean) where each member of the system is dependent on the other. Get one part of the system out balance and the whole system suffers. Prune or trim part of the system and the whole system benefits.
That third observation brings me to my second thought. Since Christianity and the Church really is an interconnected ecosystem, could it be that God will bring things into my life that are really designed for the benefit of others? Track Paul's thinking in the verses from Philippians 1. Paul is in prison, not sure of his earthly fate, yet he views his situation as something that has served to advance the gospel. How can this be good?  Look at Christ in Gethsemane. Aching at the prospect of bearing the sins of the world and having to absorb the wrath of His holy Father. How can this be good? Yet, in this ecosystem called Christianity, every system, every element has a role and a purpose. Everything works together for good.

So, all things working together for good may include evil, Satan-wrought things for the over arching plan and glory of Christ. We may actual receive what appears to be the short end of stick if God determines that it will result in what is best for the kingdom of His Son. Oh, to be used like Paul, for the very great purpose of advancing the gospel.

To God Alone be the Glory

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