Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why Do We Overlook the Gospel?

The following is an excerpt from What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert. I highly recommend the book and this concluding challenge says it all.  SDG

How long has it been since you looked up from the earthly details of life and came face to face with the Grand Canyon of what God has done for us in the gospel--his unfathomable grace in forgiving people who have rebelled against him, his breathtaking plan to send his Son to suffer and die their place, to establish the throne of the resurrected Jesus over a kingdom of perfect righteousness, and to bring those who are saved and redeemed by his blood into a new heavens and new earth where sin and evil will be forever conquered!

How is it that I let the beauty and power and vastness of that gospel be crowded out of my mind so often and for so long? Why is it that my thoughts and emotions are often dominated by silly things like whether my car is clean, or what's happening on CNN right now, or whether I was happy with my lunch today, rather than by these glorious truths? Why do I so often organize and think about my life as if I were wearing  blinders, rather than in light of eternity? Why does this gospel not permeate, all the time and all the way to the bottom, my relationships with my wife and children, my coworkers and friends and fellow church members?

I know exactly why. It's because I'm a sinner, and worldliness will continue to linger in my heart and war against me until the day Jesus comes back. But until then, I want to fight against that. I want to fight against spiritual laziness--against the drugged stupor this world constantly threatens to put me in--and I want to embrace this gospel hard and let it affect everything--my actions, my affections, my emotions, desires, thoughts, and will.

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