Monday, November 29, 2010

A Reminder

It has been several years since 2 Pt 1:12-15 struck me, but today these verses hit me again.  How much of what we do, especially in regard to spiritual things, is simply a reminder of things we have known and embraced for a long time?  Sure, we gain new insights and grow in our knowledge of Jesus, but there seems to be this spiritual forgetfulness that robs us of truths that we need as anchors for our souls.

Because of this, I thank God for 2 Pt 1:12-15.  First, it shows us that God understands our propensity to forget and that He wants us to remember.  He doesn't want us to drift downstream, away from our knowledge of Christ, but instead He graciously provides for us men who are committed to God's Word who can serve, by the power of the Spirit, to give us reminders of the grace and mercy of Christ.  Secondly, these verses  are a personal challenge to me.  Not just that I need the reminders (which I do!), but rather that part of the call of anyone who teaches God's Word is that we must remind people. We must remind them of God's love and grace. We must remind them of our inability to please Him apart from Christ. We must remind them to proclaim the gospel.  We must remind them to hold on to their faith to the very end. We must remind them that what is seen is transient, but what is unseen is eternal.  And, we must remind them to remind others of all of this and so much more.

As I write this, I appreciate Peter's perspective.  He knows his time is short, but he isn't worried about how to spend his last days.  He knows!  He wants to so pour into his friends and loved ones so that after his departure they may be able to recall these things at any time.  Oh, to have a love and a passion like that!  SDG

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