Monday, October 28, 2013

The Aim Of Our Charge Is Love

The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. - 1Ti 1:5

Is the essence of the Christian life really this simple? And this difficult?

The more I read and listen and thoughtfully, prayerfully consider the word of God, it really does come back to love. Love drives the Trinity. Love commissioned the Son. Love crafted the gospel. Love took Jesus to the cross. Love brought Jesus out of the tomb. Love sent the Holy Spirit. Love bound the early church. And love is the call in each of our lives.

Here are just a few things I am praying through and trying seriously to put into practice, by the grace of God.

- Love for God, with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, cannot be separated from loving my neighbor as myself. We can often limit one or the other, which is the challenge of the parable of the Good Samaritan, but to separate them is to deny them both. To love God truly, I must love my neighbor. To truly love my neighbor, I must love God.

-  I don't live self-consciously enough. Too much of my life flows like water down the Mississippi, simply gone, without a trace. How does one love subconsciously (or unconsciously). It seems to me the very definition of love would preclude this. Perhaps, the fruit of the Spirit will allow an alertness, an attention to the moments of life and that love can be exercised and displayed with much more frequency.

- Love, like grace and faith and mercy, is a gift. I cannot conjure up love just because I want to. God gives it. And yet, God is the giver who keeps giving to those who ask. So, where is my prayer request for grace? For faith? For love? Whatever container I hold these in is very leaky. I need the love of Christ as much today as any day before. And I think the same will be true tomorrow.

In the end, I think it is a simple and as difficult as Paul states in 1 Timothy. Let everything--prayers, worship, giving, teaching, eating, reading, talking--be done in self-conscious love.
your affectionate, though unworthy brother and servant in Christ,

To God Alone Be The Glory

1 comment:

  1. I have learned a lot about Godly love in these past few years. Godly love is different than wordly love or the kind of love I often have in my heart.. One way God continues to challenge me is to love those who have sinned against me or those who have hurt me. Forgiveness is one thing, but loving with all my heart, mind, and soul after being hurt is quite another. It is almost easier to forgive. I'm not talking about putting up appropriate boundaries, but seeking Him to love that person with the same kind of sacrificial that He loves. It is something I am convinced it is something I can only do with His strength. I don't think it is accident that love is the first fruit listed in Gal 5:22. Love is the fruit given to us when we have the Holy Spirit within us. And while it seems to easy to love, I'm convinced I'll never love with a perfect love like He does. But by seeking Him, my love foe the things and people that He loves will grow closer to reflect Him.
